Asbestos was frequently utilized in construction materials in Canada until the 1980’s, commonly found in drywall compound, insulation, flooring materials and adhesives.
The danger of asbestos lies in its capacity to disintegrate into minuscule fibers. The microscopic fibers are so fine that once disturbed, they can linger in the air for days.
When airborne, individuals are at risk of inhaling these fibers, posing significant health hazards.

ResQ Pro Restoration of Calgary

Since the fibers are so small, they can travel deep into a person’s lungs, where they may eventually lodge in the lung tissue.
The removal of asbestos-containing materials prior to demolition must be done by a trained and competent worker- it is a legislated requirement in Alberta.
The Alberta Asbestos Abatement Manual outlines best practices, explains appropriate controls, and references applicable OHS legislation for asbestos abatement in Alberta. Our staff here at ResQ Pro are trained to these standards